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Milwaukee M18 FTHCHS30 Manual Original página 16


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  • ESPAÑOL, página 31
instructions could result in death or serious personal injury.
These basic blocking techniques are not intended to
substitute for the judgment of an experienced professional.
Your circumstance may require a different type of notch or
technique. Always exercise good professional judgment and
discretion when evaluating how to safely complete a cutting
o not cut do n trees having an e treme lean or large trees
ith rotten lim s loose ark or hollo trunks
ave these trees
pushed or dragged do n ith heavy e uipment then cut them
o not cut trees near electrical ires or uildings
heck the tree for damaged or dead ranches that could fall and
hit you during felling
Periodically glance at the top of the tree during the ackcut to
assure the tree is going to fall in the desired direction
If the tree starts to fall in the rong direction or if the sa gets
caught or hung up during the fall leave the sa and save
locking a tree
hen ucking and locking operations are
eing performed y t o or more persons at the same time
the locking operation should e separated from the ucking
operation y a distance of at least t ice the height of the tree
eing locked rees should not e locked in a manner that
ould endanger any person strike any utility line or cause any
property damage If the tree does make contact ith any utility
line the utility company should e noti ed immediately
efore felling is started consider the force and direction of the
ind the lean and alance of the tree and the location of large
lim s hese things in uence the direction in hich the tree ill
o not try to fell a tree along a line different from its natural
line of fall
emove dirt stones loose ark nails staples and ire from the
tree here felling cuts are to e made
otched ndercut a notch cut in a tree that directs the tree s
ut a notch a out
the diameter of the tree perpendicular
to the direction of fall
ake the cuts of the notch so they
intersect at a right angle to the line of fall his notch should e
cleaned out to leave a straight line o keep the eight of the
ood off the sa
al ays make the lo er cut of the notch efore
the upper cut
irection of fall
ack ut
Notch -
iameter of
T runk
Back C ut
H inge
WARNING! Never cut through to the notch when making a
backcut. The hinge controls the fall of the tree, this is the
section of wood between the notch and backcut. Never position
yourself directly behind the trunk of a falling tree. There is
a risk that the trunk may split and come back towards the
ackcut the nal cut in a tree locking operation made on
the opposite side of the tree from the notching undercut
ackcut is al ays made level and horizontal and at a minimum
a ove the horizontal cut of the notch
ever cut through to the notch Al ays leave a and of ood
et een the notch and ackcut appro imately
diameter of the tree
his is called hinge or hinge ood It
controls the fall of the tree and prevents slipping or t isting or
shoot ack of the tree off the stump
On large diameter trees stop the ack cut efore it is deep
enough for the tree to either fall or settle ack on the stump hen
insert soft ooden or plastic edges into the cut so they do not
touch the chain he edges can e driven in little y little to
help jack the tree over
As the tree starts to fall stop the chainsa and put it do n
immediately e alert for overhead lim s or ranches that may fall
and atch your footing
WARNING! Do not overreach and do not cut above shoulder
height. Failure to do so could result in serious personal injury.
If you are unable to follow these instructions, use a different
tool such as a pole pruner. Load Second Cut
irst ut
inishing ut
Pruning is trimming lim s from a live tree
ork slo ly keeping oth hands on the chainsa
grip Al ays make sure your footing is secure and your eight is
distri uted evenly on oth feet
o not cut from a ladder this is e tremely dangerous eave this
operation for professionals
o not cut a ove shoulder height as a sa held higher is dif cult to
control against kick ack
ever position yourself under the ranch you are cutting and atch
for falling ranches
hen pruning trees it is important not to make the nishing cut
ne t to the main lim or trunk until you have cut off the lim further
out to reduce the eight his prevents stripping the ark from the
main mem er
nder uck the ranch
through for your rst cut
our second cut should over uck to drop the ranch off
o make your nishing cut smoothly and neatly against the main
mem er so the ark ill gro
ack to seal the ound
WARNING! Springpoles are dangerous and could strike the
operator, causing the operator to lose control of the chain saw.
This could result in severe or fatal injury to the operator. This
should be done by trained users.
Cutting springpoles
A springpole is any log ranch rooted stump or sapling hich is
ent under tension y other ood so that it springs ack if the ood
holding it is cut or removed
On a fallen tree a rooted stump has a high potential of springing
ack to the upright position during the ucking cut to separate the
log from the stump
atch out for springpoles they are dangerous
he cordless chain sa is only intended for use outdoors
or safety reasons the chain sa must e ade uately controlled y
using t o handed operation at all times
It is only designed to cut ood It is only to e used y adults ho
have received ade uate training on the hazards and preventative
measures actions to e taken hile using the chain sa
he chain sa is designed for cutting ranches trunks logs
and eams of a diameter determined y the cutting length of the
guide ar It is only designed to cut ood It is only to e used y
adults ho have received ade uate training on the hazards and
preventative measures actions to e taken hile using the chain
o not use the chain sa for any purpose not listed in the speci ed
conditions of use he chain sa is not to e used y children or y
persons not earing ade uate personal protective e uipment and
WARNING! When using the chain saw, the safety rules must be
followed. For your own safety and that of bystanders, you must
read and fully understand these instructions before operating
the chain saw. You should attend a professionally organized
safety course in the use, preventative actions, first-aid, and
maintenance of chain saws. Please keep these instructions
safe for later use.
WARNING! Chain saws are potentially dangerous tools.
Accidents involving the use of chain saws often result in loss
of limbs or death. It is not just the chain saw that is the hazard.
Falling branches, toppling trees, and rolling logs can all kill.
Diseased or rotting timber poses additional hazards. You
should assess your capability of completing the task safely. If
ith a rm
there is any doubt, leave it to a professional tree surgeon.
This chainsaw is to be used only by trained tree surgeons. Use
without proper training can result in serious injury.
o not use this product in any other ay as stated for normal use
Even hen the product is used as prescri ed it is still impossi le
to completely eliminate certain residual risk factors he follo ing
hazards may arise in use and the operator should pay special
attention to avoid the follo ing
amage to hearing due to e posure to noise
protection and limit e posure
• Injury caused y contact ith e posed sa teeth of the chain
• Injury caused y thro n out pieces of the orkpiece
• Injury caused y dust and particles
• Injury to the skin caused y contact ith lu ricants
• Parts ejected from the sa chain cutting injection hazards
nforeseen a rupt movement or kick ack of the guide ar
cutting hazards
It has een reported that vi rations from handheld tools may
contri ute to a condition called aynaud s yndrome in certain
ymptoms may include tingling num ness and
lanching of the ngers usually apparent upon e posure to
ereditary factors e posure to cold and dampness diet
smoking and ork practices are all thought to contri ute to the
development of these symptoms here are measures that
can e taken y the operator to possi ly reduce the effects of
eep your ody arm in cold eather
ear gloves to keep the hands and rists arm
After each period of operation e ercise to increase lood
ake fre uent ork reaks imit the amount of e posure per day
Protective gloves availa le from professional chain sa retailers
are designed speci cally for chain sa use hich give protection
good grip and also reduce the effect of handle vi ration hese
gloves should comply ith E
If you e perience any of the symptoms of this condition immediately
discontinue use and see your doctor
Injuries may e caused or aggravated y
prolonged use of a tool
ensure you take regular reaks
Use of Li-Ion batteries
attery packs hich have not een used for some time should e
recharged efore use
emperatures in e cess of
the attery pack Avoid e tended e posure to heat or sunshine risk
of overheating
he contacts of chargers and attery packs must e kept clean
or an optimum life time the attery packs have to e fully charged
after use
o o tain the longest possi le attery life remove the attery pack
from the charger once it is fully charged
or attery pack storage longer than
tore the attery pack here the temperature is elo
a ay from moisture
tore the attery packs in a
Every si months of storage charge the pack as normal
Battery protection for Li-Ion batteries
In e tremely high tor ue inding stalling and short circuit situations
that cause high current dra
seconds the fuel gauge ill ash and then the tool ill turn O
o reset release the trigger
internal temperature of the attery pack could raise too much If
this happens the fuel gauge ill ash until the attery pack cooled
do n After the lights go off the ork may continue
Transporting Lithium Batteries
ithium ion atteries are su ject to the angerous oods egislation
re uirements
ransportation of those atteries has to e done in accordance ith
local national and international provisions and regulations
he user can transport the atteries y road ithout further
re uirements
ommercial transport of ithium Ion atteries y third parties is
ear hearing
su ject to angerous oods regulations ransport preparation and
transport are e clusively to e carried out y appropriately trained
persons and the process has to e accompanied y corresponding
ood chips
e perts
hen transporting atteries
Ensure that attery contact terminals are protected and insulated to
prevent short circuit
Ensure that attery pack is secured against movement ithin
o not transport atteries that are cracked or leak
heck ith for arding company for further advice
Assembling saw chain and guide bar
If any parts are damaged or missing do not
operate the machine until the parts are replaced. Failure to
heed this warning could result in serious personal injury.
ake sure to remove the attery
hen operating the unit
emove the ar mounting nuts using the com ination rench
emove the drive sprocket cover
Put the chain in the correct direction onto the ar and make sure
that the drive links are aligned in the ar groove
Attach the ar to the chain sa and loop the chain around the
drive sprocket
and must e E marked
eplace the drive sprocket cover and ar mounting nuts
hen using any tool for prolonged periods
reduce the performance of
charged condition
the tool ill vi rate for a out
nder e treme circumstances the
ear gloves



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