When you enter the cook�ng select�on screen by press�ng P key �n the ma�n
menu, �f no key �s pressed for 30 seconds wh�le the pause and degree
symbols are flash�ng, the oven returns to the start screen where the t�me of
the day �s d�splayed.
It shall not return to the start key after 30 seconds of �nact�v�ty when the
oven �s paused wh�le cook�ng.
Press�ng the stop key ( ) for 3 seconds shall cancel the cook�ng operat�on. Alarm
sounds after 1 second, and cancels after 3 seconds. The ( ) symbol �llum�nates
on the screen dur�ng th�s per�od. You shall sw�tch to the standby screen when the
cook�ng �s cancelled, and the (
When the cook�ng �s cancelled or program ends, the
message flash on the screen unt�l the oven temperature drops below 60°C.
To change the default temperature of the cook�ng funct�ons;
Select the funct�on of wh�ch the default temperature shall be changed when no
cook�ng �s act�ve. You access to the screen where you can change the tempera-
ture value by press�ng C key. The new default temperature value �s set w�th up/
down keys. Press the sett�ngs key for 5 seconds.
New default temperature value for the funct�on d�splayed shall be saved to the per-
manent memory wh�ch �s not affected by the power fa�lure. After that, the new
value stored shall be d�splayed as the default cook�ng temperature when the rele-
vant funct�on �s selected.
If the cook�ng operat�on �s not ended by you w�th�n the per�ods spec�f�ed below,
heaters shall be deact�vated for safety reasons and the relevant error code shall
be d�splayed on the screen.
Manual cook�ng t�mes are as follows:
) symbol flashes for 7 seconds and then d�sap-
Spec�f�cat�ons of the Oven
symbol and the Hot