setting up the dispLay
1. From the SETTINGS menu, open DISPLAY.
2. Open the INTERVAL numbered display to edit.
3. Set LINES for the number of workout data to display.
4. Open a line (TOP, MIDDLE, or BOTTOM).
5. Select the data to display on that line.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each line.
skipping an intervaL
• To skip an interval, hold SPLIT.
PausInG anD savInG an InTeRval WoRkouT
• Press STOP to pause timing.
• Press START when the interval timer is paused to resume timing.
saving and resetting an intervaL workout
When you have completed your workout, you can save it for future review.
1. With the interval timer stopped, press SAVE.
noTe: The interval workout stops automatically when the number of set repetitions is reached.
2. Choose one of the options:
• Select yES to save the workout and clear the timer.
• Select NO to discard the workout and clear the timer.
• Select CANCEL to go back to INTERVAL without saving or clearing the timer.
RevIeWInG WoRkouTs
When you reset the chronograph or interval timer, the workout data is saved. You can view it from the REVIEW
screens. Compare these saved workouts against one another to track your progress.
RevIeWInG The WoRkouT suMMaRy
The workout summary contains data about the workout as a whole.
opening the workout
1. Press MENU and open REVIEW.
The most recent workout is at the top of the list and the oldest workout is at the bottom.
Workouts saved from CHRONO are indicated by
Workouts saved from INTERVAL are indicated by
2. Open the workout to review.
3. Select
4. Press and (as indicated in the watch display) to scroll through the available
data for the workout.