Performing cutting on perforated sheets or gratings (Self Restart)
When cutting perforated sheets or gratings, it is often useful to enable the Self Restart function. With this function
activated (Self Restart = Enabled), the power source will restart the arc whenever it is interrupted. The pantograph
must also be set up for this type of cutting.
This screen also contains the TEST and Advanced Setting keys. Press the TEST key to enter the screen where the gas
tightness test can be carried out. After selecting the gas type in the Test box, start the test by pressing the Start key:
the machine firstly carries out a purge, then the pipes are filled with the gas and the GAS INLET solenoids and the
solenoids in the valve console are deactivated. If no leaks are identified during the test period, the check marks under
each channel turn green. Conversely, if leaks are detected from one or more channels, a red cross appears beneath
the corresponding channel. A tightness test must be carried out periodically on all gas types to check for any leaks in
pipes, from the pipe inlet on the rear of the gas console to the valve console inlet.
Press the Advanced Setting Key to go to a screen where various system components can be set, such as the type of
torch and pipe length.
Cutting preparation and execution (CUT)
After turning on the system by means of the switch located on the power source front panel, the screen in Fig. 4.2 will
appear after a few seconds. However, if there is a communication problem with the power source, the message Wai-
ting...... will appear on the screen
The first setting to be carried out, in sequence, is the selection shown in Fig. 4.10 (Cutting chart screen).
Fig. 4.10