7. The screen should read Existing User List across the top; however, no users
should be listed. Press the right soft key to display the Options pop-up menu.
Figure 18.
Existing User List screen
8. When the Options pop-up menu is displayed, use the
User and press the right soft key to display the Create New User screen.
9. When the Create New User screen is displayed, Mode will be highlighted. Use the
10. After selecting Supervisor, use the
keypad or an external keyboard (if connected) to enter a user name.
11. Use the
or barcode reader (if connected) to enter a numeric ID up to 12 digits in length.
12. Once a numeric ID is entered, use the
numeric keypad or an external keyboard (if connected) to enter a password up to
12 digits or characters in length.
13. Confirm that the correct information is displayed. To make changes to the entries,
use the
to delete the incorrect entry, and then use the numeric keypad or an external
keyboard (if connected) to change the entries. To clear all entries on the screen,
press the left soft key. Once the correct entries have been made, press the right
soft key to accept all entries.
14. After the new user information is accepted, the Existing User List screen will again
be displayed. The newly created user information should now appear in the list,
including the user ID, Name, and Mode (Supervisor or Operator).
15. Press the left soft key to return to the main Supervisor Menu.
16. Press the left soft key to return to the Main Menu.
17. Press the left soft key to log out of the system.
©Astute Medical, Inc. 2020 PN 300153MULTI Rev A 2020/01/07
keys to toggle between Operator and Supervisor. Select Supervisor.
key to highlight ID. Use the numeric keypad or an external keyboard
keys to highlight the field to be changed. Use the
key to highlight Add
key to highlight Name. Use the numeric
key to highlight Password. Use the