Quality Control Settings
Perform the following steps to set the time intervals at which LQC and EQC must be
run. It is recommended that LQC be run every 30 days (as well as with every new lot of
Kits, or in accordance with the best practices of the institution). EQC should be run in
accordance with the best practices of the institution.
1. Press the
2. Use the navigation keys to highlight the Supervisor Menu icon and press the right
soft key.
Figure 24.
Main Menu screen with
Supervisor Menu icon
3. When the Supervisor Menu is displayed, General Meter Settings is highlighted.
Press the right soft key to display the General Settings screen.
4. When the General Settings screen is displayed, Default Settings is highlighted.
Press the right soft key to display the Default Settings screen.
5. On the Default Settings screen, use the
press the right soft key.
Figure 25.
Default Settings screen
with QC Settings
©Astute Medical, Inc. 2020 PN 300153MULTI Rev A 2020/01/07
Test cartridges, with each new shipment of NEPHROCHECK
key to display the Main Menu.
key to highlight QC Settings and