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Homelite HB-180 Manual Del Propietário página 26


Als de motor niet gestart kan worden, moeten onderstaande bijstel-
lingen uitgevoerd worden.
1. Draai de "LO"-naald (A) langzaam met de klok mee totdat hii
zachties op de zitting neerkomt. NIET FORCEREN! Draai de
naald nu 66n slag tegen de klok in.
2. Draai de "Hl"-naald (B) langzaam met de klok mee totdat hii
zachtjes op de zitting neerkomt. NIET FORCEREN! Draai de
naald nu 66n slag tegen de klok in.
Wenn der Motor nicht anspringt, folgende Einstellungen machen.
''|. Nadel
,,LO" (A) im Uhrzeigersinn langsam drehen, bis sie leicht
ansitzt. KEINE KRAFT ANWENDEN! Nun die Nadel eine Um-
drehung gegen den Uhrzeigersinn drehen.
2. Nadel ,,H1" (B) im Uhzeigersinn langsam drehen, bis sie leicht
ansitä. KEINE KRAFT ANWENDEN! Nun die Nadel eine Um-
drehung gegen den Uhzeigersinn drehen.
Se il motore non puö essere awiato, eseguire le regolazioni che se-
1. Ruotare lentamente I'ago "LO" (A) in senso orario finch6 non
s'appoggia sulla base. NON FORZARLO! Ruotarlo quindi in
senso antiorario di un giro.
2. Ruotare lentamente I'ago "Hl" (B) in senso orario finch6 non
s'appoggia sulla base. NON FORZARLO! Ruotarlo quindi in
senso antiorario di un giro.
Si no se puede anancar el motor, haga los ajustes siguientes.
1. Gire la aguja "LO" (A) en sentido horario lentamente hasta que
se apoye suavemente en la base. 1NO LA FUERCE! Ahora, gire
la aguja en sentido contrahorario una vuelta.
2. Gire la aguja "Hl" (B) en sentido horario lentamente hasta que
se apoye suavemente en la base. ;NO LA FUERCE! Ahora, gire
la aguja en sentido contrahorario una vuelta.
Se näo för possivel fazer anancar o motor, proceder aos aiustes se-
1. Girar a agulha "LO" ("BA|XA') (A) da esquerdapara a direita
lentamente ate que assente com suavidade. NAO FORQAR!
Agora girar a agulha numa volta da direita para a esquerda.
2. Girar a agulha "Hl" ("ALTA) (B) da esquerdg para a direita lenta-
mente ate que assente com suavidade. NAO FORQAR! Agora
girar a agulha numa volta da direita para a esquerda.
Start the engine (see Starting and Stopping) and run it for a few
minutes to warm it to operat'ng temperature before making the fol-
lowing adjustments.
1. With the throttle trigger fully depressed and engine running, ad'
iust the "Hl" needle by tuming needle 1/8 of a turn at a time in
either direction so as to obtain maxium engine speed. From this
setting, turn needle countercloclo,vise until engine speed begins
to decrease.
2. Check acceleration. lf the unit does not accelerate, adiust the
"LO" needle by turning 1/8 of a turn in either direction until the
engine accelerates without hesitation.
3. Adjust the ldle Speed Screw (C) so that engine runs smoothly at
a low speed without stalling. Turn ldle Speed Screw clockwise to
inörease speed and couterclockwise to decrease speed. When
adjusting idle speed, sliEhtly depress and hold throtiie trigger
while turning screw. Repeat Step 2 if necessary to obtain opti-
mum pertormance. Proper acceleration is dependent on both
idle speed and "LO" needle settings.
lf the above adiustments do not improve periormance, take your
unit to an authorized servicing dealer for more precise carburetor
lmproper carburetor adjustment procedures may result in the
1. Unstable idling or inability to accelerale.
2. Stalling at idle and low power.
3, Severe engine damage.
Lancer le moteur (se reporter ä "Demanage et Arr€t") et le laisser
tourner pour quelques minutes afin de le r6chauffer jusqu'ä obten-
tion de la temperature de fonctionnement a\Ent de proc6der aux rÖ-
glages suivants.
1. Tout en maintenant la manette des gaz abaissee et pendant que
le moteur tourne, r6gler I'aiguille de grand regime "Hlo en la
tournant 118 de tour ä ta fois dans I'une ou I'autre des directions
afin d'obtenir la vitesse de r6gime maximale. Aprös ce r6glage'



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