Displays and allows to change the IP address, as shown below.
Endereço físico (apenas leitura): Physical address (only read) or "MAC Address" of the
Ethernet interface;
Host: Identification (up to 15 characters) name in the local network (NetBIOS);
Habilitar DHCP: (Enable DHCP) option to automatic getting the IP addresses, if the local
network has an active DHCP server;
Endereço IP: (IP address) unique local network address (IPv4 Protocol);
Gateway padrão: (Standard Gateway) local network concentrator address (or router);
Máscara de sub-rede: (Subnetwork mask) address to network segment identification;
Servidor DNS preferencial: (Preferential DNS server) address for remote hostname resolution
Servidor DNS alternativo: (Alternative DNS server) alternative address to resolution of remote
host (optional).
English - 142
Português -