1 Identification
1 Identification
The xFUME POWER 350 is a mobile power source with an integrated fume extraction device and wire
feeder. It is used for manual MIG/MAG shielding gas welding.
These operating instructions solely describe the xFUME POWER 350, which must only be operated with
original ABICOR BINZEL spare parts.
When used in these operating instructions, the terms "device", "product", and "system" always refer to
the xFUME POWER 350 welding power source.
The following figures show the device with an optional driving carriage. The standard model of the device
has a pre-mounted underbody and rubber feet.
1.1 Marking
This product fulfills the requirements that apply to the market to which it has been introduced.
A corresponding marking has been affixed to the product, if required.
1.2 Declaration of conformity
EN - 4