- Take into account the maximum positions of the adjustable
- Treadmill location:
- Place the treadmill on a flat, smooth, and stable surface with
a protective floor covering or carpet.
- Make sure you leave a minimum of 2 metres around the
- Do not place anything behind the treadmill that could
obstruct the emergency exit.
- Do not stand on the treadmill if you are not using it or if you
are preparing to use it. Place both feet on the treadmill's side
borders. Get on it only when you are ready.
- Never start at full speed.
- Do not jump on the treadmill.
- Keep the treadmill away from excessive humidity and dust.
- Make sure that those present during the exercise are aware
of potential hazards, e.g., protruding moving parts.
- Incorrect/excessive training can cause injuries.
- Do not arch your back when using the treadmill, always try
to keep your back straight.
- WARNING: the heart rate sensors may be inaccurate, as it is
not a medical device. Sensors can give you estimated heart
rate information.
- If you feel any discomfort, stop exercising immediately. It may