C Correct use and application of the truck
These operating instructions include all the information needed for transport,
first start-up, normal use, servicing and maintenance of the described
industrial truck, in accordance with ASME B56.1-2003, UL 583 and ANSI
Z535.4-2002. Read these instructions carefully to ensure proper and safe
use of the truck.
The industrial truck described in these operating instructions is suitable for lifting and
transporting loads and must be used, operated and maintained according to the law
and the information provided in these operating instructions. Any use of the truck not
authorized by law or these instructions is a misuse of the truck and beyond the inten-
ded design of the truck. Such misuse can lead to death and/or serious injury to per-
sons and damage to equipment and property. Overloading caused by excessively
heavy or unbalanced loads is an example of misuse of the truck which must be avo-
ided. The maximum allowable load is indicated on the identification plate and load di-
agram label shown on the truck. The industrial truck must not be operated in spaces
subject to fire or explosion hazards, or in spaces where corrosive or very dusty at-
mospheres prevail.
These operating instructions must be kept as long as the vehicle is in use.
Duties of the user:
A user of an industrial truck may be one of several persons depending on the context
referred to in these operating instructions- it includes the truck owner, any person lea-
sing or renting the truck and the operator, as referred to in ASME B56.1- 2003. Users
will usually be employers, and the truck operators will often be their employees for
purposes of OSHA regulations. Every user must know and follow the applicable rules
and regulations concerning industrial truck use and operation. The operator instruc-
tions are for all users, and are directed toward and should be provided to the persons
who will actually operate the industrial truck.
The user and operator must ensure that the truck is not abused and used only within
its design limits so that all danger to life and limb of the operator, and third parties, is
avoided. The user and operator must also ensure that the accident prevention regu-
lations and other safety-related provisions, as well as the operating, servicing and
maintenance guidelines, are observed. The user must ensure that all who will operate
this truck have read and understood these operating instructions and have fulfilled all
training and certification required by law before performing any work with the truck.
The user and operator are advised that when functions on industrial trucks are auto-
mated (for example rail-guided or inductively-guided trucks), the operation of the ve-
hicle is changed which may result in modified performance characteristics, mainte-
nance procedures, and additional safety precautions.
The addition of any automatic function to a manned industrial vehicle requires the
evaluation of the impact of the automation on all other functions. It maybe necessary
to automate other functions to some degree.
If these Operating Instruction are not observed the warranty becomes void.
The same applies if improper work is carried out on the device by the
customer and/or third parties.
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