During NIBP measurement, illegal
reset occurs.
The NIBP communication part has
The NIBP cuff is not connected cor-
The NIBP cuff is not connected cor-
rectly or there are leaks in the airway.
Problem happens when measuring
the curve. The system cannot perform
measurement, analysis or calculation.
Problem happens when measuring
the curve. The system cannot perform
measurement, analysis or calculation.
Problem happens when measuring
the curve. The system cannot perform
measurement, analysis or calculation.
The patient arm moves.
Perhaps folds exist in the airway.
Problem happens when measuring
the curve. The system cannot perform
measurement, analysis or calculation.
Problem happens when measuring
the curve. The system cannot perform
measurement, analysis or calculation.
Perhaps the used cuff does not fit the
setup patient type.
NIBP airway has leaks.
Problem happens when measuring
the curve. The system cannot perform
measurement, analysis or calculation.
Check the airway of NIBP to see if there
are clogs. Then measure again, if the
failure still exists, contact the
manufacturer for repair.
Execute the reset program in the NIBP
menu. If the failure still exists, contact
the manufacturer for repair.
Re-connect the NIBP cuff.
Check the connection of each part
or replace with a new cuff. If the failure
still exists, contact the manufacturer
for repair.
Check the connection of each part
or replace with a new cuff. If the failure
still exists, contact the manufacturer
for repair.
Check if the setup of patient type is
correct. Check the connection of each
part or replace with a new cuff. If the
failure still exists, contact the
manufacturer for repair
Check the connection of each part
or replace with a new cuff. If the failure
still exists, contact the manufacturer
for repair.
Check the connection of each part
and the patient situation. Measure again,
if the failure still exists, contact the
manufacturer for repair.
Check for the smoothness in the airway
and patient situation. Measure again,
if the failure still exists, contact the
manufacturer for repair.
Check the connection of each part
and the patient situation. Measure again,
if the failure still exists, contact the
manufacturer for repair.
Check the connection of each part
and the patient situation. Measure again,
if the failure still exists, contact the
manufacturer for repair.
Check if the patient type is set up
correctly. Check the connection of each
part or replace with a new cuff. If the
failure still exists, contact the
manufacturer for repair.
Check the connection of each part
or replace with a new cuff. If the failure
still exists, contact the manufacturer
for repair.
Check the connection of each part
and the patient situation. Measure again,
if the failure still exists, contact the
manufacturer for repair.