Divide stone fruit into pieces - the
stone can remain in place. Frozen
berries should be thawed in
Preparing bottles:
The bottles must be cleaned
thoroughly with a bottle brush and
washing liquid, and then rinsed
out with clean water. To close,
take the rubber or fruit juice caps,
which must also be thoroughly
cleaned. The bottles and caps
must be freed of bacteria. To do
so, either heat up the bottles and
caps slowly to 80°C in a water
bath for 30 minutes, or in the oven
at 120°C. Always use oven gloves
Vegetables for juice extraction Steaming time Preparation
Asparagus - with skin
Celery - leaves + root
Tomatoes - with skin
Onions - with skin
Herbs for juice extraction
Water/garden cress
Dandelion - young leaves
Lemon balm - fresh leaves
Salad burnet
All values are reference values and depend on the respective taste or
degree of ripeness and size of the material used.
to handle the hot bottles! Risk of
Fill the water into the lower
section of the pot:
the water may only be filled up to
max. 4.5 cm below the edge of
the pot to prevent it from boiling
over. Then place the lower section
onto the stove.
Placing on the juice container:
The juice container and funnel
are placed onto the lower section
of the pot in such a way that the
run-off nozzle sits precisely in the
recess provided for it. Now firmly
push the hose onto the run-off
nozzle and close it firmly under-
45 mins
wash, cut
60 mins
peel, grate
60 mins
wash, clean, grate
60 mins
peel, cut/grate
60 mins
wash, cut
0 mins
wash, cut
45 mins
wash, cut
45 mins
wash, cut
60 mins
wash thoroughly, cut
Steaming time Preparation
60 mins
wash in vinegar water
60 mins
wash thoroughly, cut
60 mins
wash, cut
60 mins
60 mins
wash carefully
60 mins
wash, drip dry
neath with the hose clamp.
Placing on the fruit basket:
Place the fruit basket onto the
juice container and fill it with
the prepared fruit, vegetables
or herbs. Add sugar in layers as
required (see table).
Glass lid:
Set the glass lid tightly onto the
fruit basket so that no steam can
Juice extraction process:
Set the stove to the highest
heating level until the water starts
to boil. Then turn down the heat,
allowing the water to continue
boiling evenly. Make sure that
there is always enough water in
the pot. Allowing the pot to boil
dry will damage the cooking uten-
sils. Keep the lid closed so that
no energy is lost. As soon as the
water boils, the juice extraction
time starts (see tables).
Take the heated bottles out of
the hot water bath or oven one
by one, using oven gloves. When
the first juice has been produced,
open the hose clamp and fill
approx. 1 litre of juice. Then close
the hose clamp again. Now care-
fully open the lid (warning: risk
of scalding!) and pour the juice
evenly over the cooking material
in the fruit basket. This ensures
better disinfection and the juice
extraction process is accelerated.
Fill the juice into the prepared
bottles. The bottles must always