KRUPS RACLETTE - 2016236010
How to Use a Raclette
First, prepare a selection of food and sliced cheese. Simply pick your favourite meats, vegetables and sea-
food for grilling and cook directly on top of the non-stick grill plate. Gather around the table with your guests
and start cooking. Show your guests how to melt cheese in their personal raclette trays and when the
cheese is melted pour it over the grilled food. Traditionally, raclette is served with boiled new potatoes or
baked potatoes together with a green salad. A good raclette is cooked with special raclette cheese * Allow
about 200g (7 oz) of cheese per person. Cut the cheese in slices of 5mm. Set the Thermostat (depending
on model) to the max position. Place a slice of cheese in each tray and leave to melt for about 5 minutes.
Once the raclette cheese is melted, slide the cheese onto the plate. You can cook other foods with the
cheese such as ham, sweetcorn, sliced potatoes, chopped mushrooms, sliced tomatoes, prawns, chopped
onions, chopped peppers etc.
* For UK consumers only: Raclette cheese is available from some large supermarkets and specialist delica-
tessens or try for advice in their 'Where to Buy' section. Alternatively, try using Port
Salut, Jarlsburg, Emmental, Gruyere or Gouda (but not cheddar) instead of raclette cheese.
For the raclette functions, have each guest place a slice of cheese in their individual tray before placing it
under the grill plate to melt.
Do not leave the raclette trays in the appliance while empty.
The grill plate will cook strips of meat or your accompaniments (bacon, mushrooms, onions, prawns, sausa-
Traditional raclette
1.5 kg to 2 kg of raclette cheese
a few mushrooms
Cook the potatoes in their skins. Cut the cheese into slices and arrange them on a plate with the sli-
ces of ham.
Slice the sweet peppers and the mushrooms. Place the gherkins, pickled onions, mushrooms, corn
and sweet peppers in hors d'oeuvres trays.
Grill the onions, mushrooms, corn and sweet peppers on the grill. Place a slice of cheese in each
raclette tray and leave it to melt in the raclette. Taste the raclette with ham, potatoes and different
3-cheese raclette
600 g of raclette cheese (pasteurised or untreated milk)
* set the thermostat to maximum and pre-heat for 15 minutes
1 jar of gherkins
2.5 kg of potatoes
16 slices of ham
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2.5 kg of potatoes
16 slices of ham
1 jar of pickled onions
600 g of blue cheese
a little thyme
a tin or jar of black olives
grill plate*
serves 8
32 raclette trays
a few sweet peppers
4 tinned cobs of corn
serves 8
32 raclette trays
600 g of goat's cheese