Code. Alarm
No action required, the device autonomously retries the movement up to a maximum of three
consecutive times. The time interval between one attempt and the next is increasing: following the
Current too
first alarm the device waits a time of 1 second before repeating the movement, following the second
error the wait before the new movement attempt is 10 seconds while on the third alarm the last
movement attempt is delayed by 20 seconds.
In case all three restart attempts fail, the device generates the alarm
No action required, the device autonomously retries the movement up to a maximum of three
consecutive times. The time interval between one attempt and the next is increasing: following the
Loss of syn-
first alarm the device waits a time of 1 second before repeating the movement, following the second
error the wait before the new movement attempt is 10 seconds while on the third alarm the last
movement attempt is delayed by 20 seconds.
In case all three restart attempts fail, the device generates the Loss of Synchronism (lock) alarm.
Lack of inter-
nal commu-
No action required, device reboots automatically
The fan has reduced its speed in the most difficult condition; disconnect the fan, check that the
damper or butterfly closes properly, and make sure that the fan does not rotate on its own even in
the absence of the ignition command (fan drag effect). If rotation is caused by discordant airflow,
check that the damper or butterfly is closed properly (this must be done safely: turn off the fan and
Too much
wait for the fan to stop rotating) and if necessary set the deceleration time to minimum. If rotation
energy dis-
is caused by concordant airflow, check that the damper or butterfly is closed properly (this must be
sipated by
done safely: turn off the fan and wait for the fan to stop rotating) and increase the rotation speed
the braking
if necessary. Note: If the airflow is concordant with the direction of rotation, pay attention to the
required speed setpoint: if this turns out to be lower than the speed imposed by the wind on the
blades, the braking resistors will always be active by increasing their temperature to the maximum
allowed. In this case, the speed setpoint must be increased. If the problem persists, contact Munters
customer service to consider reducing the deceleration time.
This alarm indicates that at least one of the power phases is not reaching the motor correctly. Check
Fuse brea-
through the help of a trained technician that there are no interruptions along the line and that all
kage or pha-
phases are correctly arriving at the motor with voltage values in the indicated range. If even after
se failure
these checks, the alarm persists and the Green LED stays off, the inverter's internal fuses may have
blown or the inverter itself may have been damaged. If so, contact Munters customer service.
If the fan decreases its speed on its own (even if the setpoint is kept constant by the controller), it
means that the internal protection is kicking in. The protections that can cause a momentary speed
Fan speed decrea-
decrease are overtemperature or increased outflow current. In both situations, the fan decreases
ses and then increa-
speed temporarily and then resumes increasing speed (in accordance with the setpoint) as soon as
ses again even if the
the cause that triggered the limitation disappears (temperature decreases or outflow current returns
setpoint is constant
below threshold). Check the NTC and IGBT temperatures, wait for the motor to cool down; with the
fan off, clean the motor heat sink fins in order to allow better dissipation of internal heat. Check that
the Id [A] (outflow current) is not too high, if so, contact Munters customer service.
If both motor LEDs are off, check that the motor protection switch and the disconnect switch at the
fan side are both operational, then with the help of a trained technician, check that indeed power
Both LEDs off
is getting to the motor. If power reaches the motor correctly, but the LEDs are both off and the fan
does not turn, the internal fuses may have blown or the inverter may be damaged; in either case,
contact Munters customer service.
Speed reduction
Upon the occurrence of certain conditions that could lead to device damage, the inverter responds by automa-
tically producing that speed reduction so that it continues to operate safely and efficiently.
Situations that result in a speed reduction can be:
id deflux current too high;
bus voltage too low;
IGBT module or board temperature too high.
Should such a situation occur, safely check that the input voltage to the inverter is within the admissible range
and check that the motor and dissipation fins are clean, also check that the fan can spin freely.
Saturn FIVE
Saturn FIVE