Where supplied, the use of a anti-rotation insertis (fig.3) is highly recommended in order to load the
carabiner on its major axis.
Ref. 2030 026F - 2030 040F - 2030 074F: For use of Goblin Rope Surfer see the manual of the Goblin
Use as to ANSI/ASSE Z359.1-2007 Anchorage connector (Anchor Webbing 2032 and Anchor Cable 2132)
Anchor Webbing and Anchor Cable are tested as anchorage connectors as to ANSI/ASSE Z359.1-2007, to create
an anchor point on a structure.
The structure for installation must be certified to sustain a static load of at least 3400 lbs / 15 kN or must be known to
be able to sustain 5000 lbs / 22.2 kN in the absence of certification.
For installation, see figures 2d-2e and use ANSI Z359 connectors: do not install in other ways, in case of structures
with sharp edges or abrasive surfaces Anchor Cable can be used, do not use Anchor Webbing. Take proper safety
measures while using this product around moving machinery and electrical hazards.
Strength is compliant with ANSI/ASSE requirements for one person: 5000 lbs / 22.2 kN. Do not connect more than
one personal fall arrest system.
If product is damaged or needs to be inspected, it must be identified as unusable.
The connectors that may be supplied with the product are certified according to the EN 362:2004 standard and are
suitable for use in fall arrest systems for protecting against the risk of falling from heights. Some models are even
certified according to the EN 12275:2013 standard for mountain climbing. The features and other certifications of the
connectors are highlighted in Tab. K, identifying the reference code(s) on the marking of the connector(s) supplied
with the product.
Classes (Tab. K)
EN 362:2004. Class A: connector for connection directly to a specific anchor. Class B: basic connector. Class T:
directional connector. Class Q: quick link. Class M: multiple use connectors.
EN 12275:2015. Class B: basic connector. Class H: connector for connection using a sailor's knot. Class K:
Connector for via ferratas. Class X: oval connector. Class Q: quick link.
The main material that the connector is made from is indicated in Tab. K in the "Material" column: S = Steel, SS =
Stainless Steel, AL = Aluminum alloy.
The length of the connector must be considered when it is used in a fall protection system because it influences
the fall height.
The connection of the connector is indicated in the tab.K t and fig. K1 to K6. The user of connectors with manual
locking (fig.K1) must avoid detaching them several times in the same working day.
The quick links are used for connections that are not opened often, we recommend closing with a torque of 3 Nm
for quick links with a diameter of 8 mm and 7 Nm for those with the 10-12 mm diameter, partial closure of the nut
must always be avoided (Fig. K5). For proper use and for connection to a reliable anchoring point with only one sub-
system and to other components in a fall protection system, see Fig. K6. Some situations can reduce the connector's
resistance (Fig. K7-K8). Avoid positions that can stress the connector lever (Fig. K9-K10); if it is not possible to avoid
stress on the lever, choose to use ANSI Z359.12 connectors that have greater lever strength (Fig. K11).
A carabiner looses half of its resistance when the gate is open (see Tab.K): check the correct operation the lever prior
to use: The lever must return against the connector body when closed, the automatic locking device must close fully
with about external help. Mud, sand, pain, ice, dirty water and other agents can compromise the operation. Do not