S8 TIGER X-ray Spectrometer
Introductory User Manual
If you plan to measure liquids or loose powders, you should plan to make helium or nitrogen gas avail-
able for your measurements. Gas bottles should be positioned near the S8 TIGER and must be se-
cured against falling over. If you have ordered a gas flow counter, you will need to provide space for at
least one more gas bottle. Flow counters are typically operated with an argon-methane gas mixture
which is flammable. Therefore, you will need positions for two (or, even better, for three) secured gas
bottles. The gas bottles must be accessible for future exchange of consumed gas cylinders.
If you intend to connect your system to a computer network, you will need access to a network plug.
For advanced service support (i.e. remote diagnostics), we recommend a telephone connection for a
modem installed in the PC.
As with any precision analytical equipment, avoid direct sunlight.
DOC-M80-ZXX031 V4 – 02.2010