X-ray Safety System
Radiation Protection and the X-ray Safety System
The S8 TIGER spectrometer system is an analytical instrument with a strong X-ray source. Shielding
and safety equipment guarantee that the emitted radiation does not exceed 1.0 PSv/h
operation. Bruker AXS screens each single S8 TIGER for X-ray radiation leakage prior to delivery.
This is done under worst case conditions as maximum high voltage and scattering sample.
Shielding is the most effective method of reducing exposures to X-rays in a X-ray spectrometer sys-
tem. X-ray radiation is diminished in intensity by any given absorber but not completely stopped. Mate-
rials having a high atomic number can absorb more X-rays than lighter elements. A frequently used
shielding material is lead. It is important to remember that X-rays can be scattered in the shielding
material and emerge at odd angles.
Danger: X-ray Radiation!
Strictly observe all national, state, and local regulations for the operation of X-ray systems!
If you suspect that the safety system does not work correctly or that radiation protection is
impaired for any reason, immediately switch off the system and contact your local Bruker
AXS Service Representative.
Manipulations and modifications of the safety systems are strictly forbidden!
DOC-M80-ZXX031 V4 – 02.2010
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