Hella Gutmann
13. Optional HGS Tools
The optional accessory devices (BPC-Tool) are required to use the >Optional HGS Tools<.
Here you can find an overview of the available HGS Tools.
The >Optional HGS Tools< menu contains functions with which additional hardware can be used. These are displayed
only if the additional hardware is connected to the device.
13.1. Battery Diagnostics
Here you can test a battery using the BPC-Tool or import a test result from the BPC-Tool into the Car History.
You are given an overview of the following functions:
• >System test<
Here you can perform a system test using the BPC-Tool. The following is displayed during the system test:
– Battery test with battery state of charge and state of health
– Starter test with voltage and current intensity when starting the internal combustion engine
– Alternator test with voltage and current intensity when the power consumer is switched on and switched off
– No-load current test
• >Import result (system test)<
Here you can import the most recent system test into the Car History.
• >Battery test<
Here you can perform a battery test using the BPC-Tool. The battery state of charge and state of health are tested.
• >Import result (battery test)<
Here you can import the most recent battery test into the Car History.
13.1.1. Performing a System Test
The following tests are performed consecutively by the BPC-Tool during the system test:
• Battery test
• Starter test
• Alternator test
• No-load current test
mega macs PC SE
Optional HGS Tools | 13.