Charging The Battery - Stanley Bostitch GFN1564K Manual De Instrucciones

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© Stanley Bostitch
● Shipment via mail is not allowed.
GB Not to be reproduced without permission. Unauthorised copies of this document do not constitute CE
● Transportation of small quantities for own use in a
compliance for the products.
private car is allowed without shipping papers and
emergency card.
FR Reproduction interdite sans permission préalable. Les copies non autorisées de ce document ne signifient en
rien que les produits soient conformes aux normes CE.
● Observe temperature limit of 50°C (120°F).
DE Vervielfältigung nicht ohne Genehmigung gestattet. Unzulässig erstellte Kopien dieses Dokuments erfüllen nicht
die CE-Richtlinien für Produkte.
● Do not store in passages, entry halls, near doors and
exits or in attics.
NL Mag niet worden vermenigvuldigd zonder toestemming. Onrechtmatige kopieën van dit document willen niet
zeggen dat de producten voldoen aan de CE-vereisten.
● Ensure the tool, gas cell and battery are all stored in
accordance with local Fire Safety Regulations
DK Må ikke gengives uden tilladelse. Uautoriserede kopier af dette dokument udgør ikke CE overholdelse for
● Observe local regulations about storage, handling
and transportation of aerosol products and
according to TRG300(D). International regulations
FI Ei saa jäljentää ilman lupaa. Tämän asiakirjan ilman valtuutusta tehdyt kopiot eivät muodosta tuotteille CE-
are established according to ADR/RID; IATA-DGR;
● Fuel Cell transportation & storage. According to
GR Απαγορεύεται η αναπαραγωγή χωρίς προηγούμενη άδεια. Τα μη εξουσιοδοτημένα αντίγραφα του παρόντος
GGVS-ADR, no special licence is required for the
εγγράφου δεν αποτελούν συμμόρφωση CE για τα προϊόντα.
transportation of fuel cells.
IT Vietata la riproduzione senza permesso. Le copie non autorizzate di questo documento non garantiscono la
Road/Rail: see GGVS-ADR/RID CI.2/ITEM 10B2
conformità CE per i relativi prodotti.
Seafreight: see IMDG CI.9/P.9022/EmS No. 2-13
Air/IATA-DGR: see CI.2/Risk Gr.3/Packinstr. 203 / max
NO Skal ikke reproduseres uten tillatelse. Ikke godkjente kopier av dette dokumentet oppfyller ikke kravene for CE-
weight per shipment 75kg / cargo 150 kg
merking for produktet.
Note: Goods must be accompanied by transport
emergency card for road UN No. 1950 (Emergency
CI.2 GGVS/ADR, Rn.. No. 2201, Item IB02)
PT Reprodução proibida sem autorização prévia. As cópias não autorizadas deste documento não estão em
Transportation of small quantities for own use in a
conformidade com a CE para os produtos.
private car is allowed without shipping papers and
emergency card.
ES Prohibida la reproducción sin permiso. Las copias no autorizadas de este documento no suponen la
conformidad con las normas CE de los productos.
● Sales booths should not be close to exits.
● A fire extinguisher of 6 kg, class A, B, or C must be
SE Prohibida la reproducción sin permiso. Las copias no autorizadas de este documento no suponen la
conformidad con las normas CE de los productos.
● Packages should be stacked up in a safe manner,
PL Niniejszy dokument nie może być kopiowany bez pozwolenia. Nieautoryzowane kopie niniejszego dokumentu nie
so that they don't fall to the ground.
stanowią deklaracji zgodności CE prezentowanych produktów.
● Store rooms must not take more than 20 m2 of room
CZ Niniejszy dokument nie może być kopiowany bez pozwolenia. Nieautoryzowane kopie niniejszego dokumentu nie
stanowią deklaracji zgodności CE prezentowanych produktów.
● Do not store together with pyrotechnical goods.
● The quantity stored in sales rooms should not
SK Rozmnožovanie bez povolenia je zakázané. Neoprávnené kópie tohto dokumentu nie sú v súlade s CE pre dané
exceed daily sales.
● Tools with an open flame or high temperature must
HU A dokumentum engedély nélkül nem sokszorosítható. Az engedély nélkül sokszorosított dokumentum nem jelenti
not be operated near fuel cells.
a termék CE-megfelelőségét.
● Fuel cells must not be displayed in shop windows.
RO Reproducerea neautorizată este interzisă. Copiile neautorizate ale acestui document nu reprezintă
conformitatea CE pentru produse.


Before using the power tool, charge the battery as
1. Insert the charger connecting plug into the connecting
socket of the charger (Fig. 1b)
2. Connect to a power source as follows:
If using the AC adapter:
-Plug the AC adapter into the power outlet.
If using the cigarette lighter connecting plug:
i. Secure the battery charger in place in the car, using
the strap supplied to fasten the charger in place and
prevent it from moving inadvertently. (Fig. 2)
ii. Insert the cigarette lighter connecting plug into the
cigarette lighter socket. If the plug is loose and falls out
of the cigarette lighter socket, the socket may be faulty
and you are recommended to contact your local car
Note: continued use of the socket may result in an
accident due to overheating.
CAUTION: Do not place the battery charger or battery
under the driver's seat. Secure the battery charger in
place to prevent it from moving inadvertently as this may
lead to an accident. (Fig. 2)
CAUTION: Do not use the electrical cord if damaged.
Have it repaired immediately.
3. Insert the battery in the charger
Position the battery so that the nameplate faces toward
the nameplate of the charger and press in the battery
until it comes into contact with the bottom plate (Fig. 1b).
Inserting the battery will turn on the charger and the
indicator light will turn on.
CAUTION: If the indicator light does not come on, pull
out the power cord from the receptacle and check the
battery mounting condition.
The indicator light goes off to show that the battery is
fully charged.
CAUTION: If the battery is heated just after operation (for
example due to direct sunlight), the charger indicator
light may not come on. If this occurs, allow the battery to
cool first and then start charging.
Recharging time: Table 1 shows the recharging time
required according to the type of battery.


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