Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Converting instructions for the "ORTHOPHOS XG 5 to XG 3D upgrade kit" ORTHOPHOS XG 5
63 52 970 D3352
D3352. 07.2012
Attaching cable ties to secure the spiral springs
Attaching cable ties to secure the spiral springs
1. Check whether the spiral springs in the two corrugated tubes are
secured with cable ties (A) at the sensor and tube assembly sides to
prevent them slipping out.
The closures for the two cable ties must be on the outer side of the
relevant corrugated tube so that they do not damage the cables on the
inside if the tube moves.
2. If this is not the case, use an awl to pierce the corrugated tubes at the
indicated position (B) (working from the inside out) and fasten each
spring to the relevant corrugated tube using a cable tie.
7 Mechanical conversion
7.12 Attaching cable ties to secure the