Sacral skeletal operation protocol
Prone position (unilateral)
Small flat head vertical down
Gluteus medius 30s-1 minx4 times
Gluteus maximus 30s-1 minx4 times
Paretic muscle 1 minx1 .5min
Sacral joint 1 minx1 .5min
Direclion: inward upward to oulward downward, along the muscle
Rousseau muscle
Biceps femoris 20s-30sx3 times
Semitendinosus 20s-30sx3 times
Semimembranosus 20s-30sx3 times
From top to bottom
Plantar fasciitis in
supina position
Small flat head vertical down
Orbital cord muscle
Biceps femoris 20s-30sx3 times
Semitendinosus 220s-30sx3 times
Semimembranosus muscle 220s-30sx3 times
Direction of movement from top to bottom
U-shaped head vertical downward circling muscle
Straight knee position 215s-30s
Flexed knee position 215s-30s
Calf triceps
Gastrocnemius 220s-30sx3 reps
Hallux valgus 220s-30sx3 reps
Four-point position with forefoot on the ground
Small round head perpendicular to the sole of the foot
Plantar fascia 220s-30sx3 reps
Supina position
Tibialis anterior 215s-20sx2 reps
Peroneus longus 215s-20sx2 times
Peroneus brevis 215s-20sx2 times
Movement direction from top to bottom