Figure 29: 6875 hana
8.8 Knee Flexion Sterilization Guidelines
The knee flexion (6875-230) are designed for use with only the Mizuho OSI 6875 hana
Surgery Table. They are utilized during the total knee arthroplasty.
Proper cleaning, handling and sterilization will ensure that the Knee Flexion System
performs as intended.
How supplied:
Mizuho OSI's knee flexion are supplied non-sterile. Cleaning and sterilizing of the
instrument(s) are required before each use according to your hospital's washing,
decontamination and sterilization procedures.
The use of these surgical instruments is contraindicated when, in the judgment of the
physician, their use would be contrary to the best interest of the patient.
Knee Flexion System™ (6875-230) attachment detail spar draped
Clamp knob
Gross traction
Figure 30: Knee Flexion System™
Fine traction
NW0508 Rev. D