SC Series Controllers
3. Low Rate:
The minimum peak rate for an acceptable fastening cycle. If the actual rate does not achieve this limit the
fastening cycle will be flagged as NOK and the YELLOW LED on the front panel and tool illuminates.
4. Deviation Limit:
Correlation coefficient for least square fit (straight line) of the torque rate curve. A higher number correlates
to a straighter line. If any point exceeds the Deviation Limit the fastening cycle will be flagged as NOK and
the RED and YELLOW LEDs on the front panel and tool illuminates.
Bailout on Torque Drop:
The controller shuts off the tool if the achieved torque drops below the peak torque by a defined percentage.
Enables turns this monitoring on. Disable turns this monitoring off.
1. Torque Drop:
The value, as a percentage of running peak torque, the torque must drop before the controller shuts off the
tool. After calculating the percentage of the peak torque which is taken from the torque drop parameter then
the remaining torque of calculated peak torque is called as torque drop.
2. Torque Threshold:
The torque at which this monitoring begins.
3. Filter:
The amount of angle the tool's output must rotate where the torque drop must be maintained before the
fastening cycle is ended with a shutoff code of [TD].
Monitor Yield:
1. Yield:
The Torque Vs Angle rate is taken from the previous calculation after the value of yield detect angle from
the torque. The rate starts at the value of yield detect angle from the torque. The point at which the torque
and rate intersect each other is the yield point.
2. Shut off region:
The Yield Target is given as a portion of the peak rate (0 to 0.9).
If value is 0.5: The shut off will occur, then the Torque Vs Angle rate drops to 50% of peak rate value.
If the value is 0: The shut off will occur, then Torque Vs Angle rate drops to 0 of the peak rate value, indicat-
ing no increase in Torque during the previously selected Rate Calculation Interval.
3. Yield detect angle:
The yield detect angle is when the angle starts monitoring the yield.
4. High yield torque:
Defines the high yield torque for the window.
5. Low yield torque:
Defines the low yield torque for the window.
6. High yield angle:
Defines the high yield angle limit for the window reference from the yield detect angle value.
7. Low yield angle:
Defines the low yield angle limit for the window reference from the yield detect angle value.
8. Bailout on high yield angle:
Enabled, will shut off the tool when the high yield angle parameter is exceeded during angle control
Disabled, will shut off the tool when yield angle bailout parameter is exceeded during angle control strategy.
● Yield angle bailout:
46 / 1032