SC Series Controllers
High Current:
The maximum current for an acceptable fastening cycle. If the achieved tool exceeds the high current limit the
fastening cycle is flagged as NOK and the RED signal on the front panel and tool illuminates. Must be greater
than Low Current. Units are percent.
Low Current:
The minimum current for an acceptable fastening cycle. If the actual tool current does not reach this limit the
fastening cycle is flagged as a NOK and the YELLOW LED on the front panel and tool illuminates. Must be less
than High Current. Units are percent.
Soft Stop:
This controls how the tool is turned off after reaching target torque. This is designed as an ergonomic benefit to
ease operator discomfort with direct-drive tools.
If Auto is selected the tool is dynamically controlled to a stop.
If Manual the tool's current will be removed for the time specified in Current Off Time, then reapplied for the time
specified in the Current Hold Time, then current will ramp to zero over the time specified in Current Ramp Time.
Units are in seconds.
Max Torque Bailout:
Determines when to stop the tool based on exceeding a maximum torque value during the Angle Control/
Torque Averaging strategy. Units are the selected torque units.
Min Torque Bailout:
Determines when to stop the tool based on dropping below a minimum torque value during the Angle Control/
Torque Averaging strategy. Units are the selected torque units.
Torque Compensation:
Yes, will use the average torque achieved during an Angle Control/ Torque Averaging strategy as the zero
torque for ALL following steps.
Merge Torque:
Carries the torque over from one step to another as if the two steps were actually one step.
Rate Target:
The rising slope rate at which the controller shuts off the tool. Units are the selected torque units/degrees of
48 / 1032