Mounting Batteries
Connecting a third party battery plate lets you mount V-mount or gold mount batteries
Mounting V-mount or Gold Mount Batteries
You can easily mount industry standard V-mount or gold mount batteries to Blackmagic
URSA Mini.
To mount a battery, you'll need to attach a Blackmagic URSA VLock Battery Plate or URSA Gold
Battery Plate, or else attach a third party battery plate to your camera's plate mount.
Blackmagic URSA VLock Battery Plate and URSA Gold Battery Plate support
displaying percentage information with compatible batteries. Blackmagic battery
plates have a '+12V out' connector referred to as a 'D-tap' or 'P-tap' to power
accessories such as an external monitor. It is worth noting that because this output is
regulated from the camera, it will power down safely when the camera switches off.
This regulated output supplies 12 Volts at up to 1.5 Amps. Some third party URSA
battery plates, and even some batteries, offer an unregulated D-tap output. These
supply continuous power when the camera is rebooting or power cycled, but the
voltage varies depending on the charge level of the battery and accessories plugged
in will drain the battery continuously.
You can purchase Blackmagic URSA VLock Battery Plates and URSA Gold Battery Plates from
Blackmagic Design resellers, or third party battery plates from suppliers of professional digital
cinema and video equipment.
Mounting Batteries