Set respective data and press <Export weighing records database to a file> entry, weighing
database is automatically exported.
Upon export completion, message <Completed> is displayed along with information on number
of exported data and with file name (with *.txt extension). Next previous window is displayed.
You may return to a weighing procedure or proceed to other settings.
Caution! If balance software cannot identify the USB flash drive, then upon pressing <
weighings database to a file> entry, <Operation failed> message is displayed.
7. A name of created file consists of database name and balance serial number, e.g. <Weighing
8. Unplug the USB flash drive from the USB port.
Template of created file
The file is created in a form of table, columns of which are separated with <Tab>. This allows for
direct export of the file to <Excel> spread sheet document. The table contains the following data:
date and time, mass and mass unit, tare and tare unit, serial number, operator name, customer
name, packaging name, source warehouse name, target warehouse name, control result name.
Delete Databases
Function allowing to delete data of selected database.
Activate <Delete Databases> function, a window with databases list is displayed.
Select a database, delete respective data.
Confirm, data is deleted, the following message is displayed:
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