This value id refreshed every 2 seconds. If the screen displays 100% value, this means that
vibrations have reached threshold set by RADWAG.
Vibrations are recorded in the database, this allows to analyse history of ambient conditions quality.
Effective value of vibrations registered by the balance over a declared time interval is saved (from the
moment of the last record) – Setup/Ambient conditions/Ambient conditions recording interval.
By default the interval is set to 10 min, this value may range between 1 min - 60 min. Record analysis
allow the user to select the most optimal time of the day for the measurements performance, i.e. time
when the environmental conditions influence the vibrations the least. Mind that there are places
where the most convenient working conditions occur after-hours.
Along with each measurement, data on ambient conditions alerts and level of vibrations, that
occurred in the course of the measurement, is saved.
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