Tabla de contenido


Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

Defined Tabs
Allows the selection of a tab.
Up and down arrows are used to respectively move the selected page up
or down in the list.
Insert button allows the insertion of a new tab after the selected tab (the
one highlighted) A maximum of 30 tabs can be displayed.
Delete button allows the deletion of the selected tab.

Page Selection

Type: Allows the selection of a tab that will be assigned to the selected
tab when pressing either Apply to top page or Apply to bottom page.
Path: Indicates the test signal structure (layers/nodes of the test case)
corresponding to the selected tab. Refer to Supported Paths/Mappings
on page 59 for more information on test layers/nodes.
Apply To Top Page: Applies the selected tab as top of page for the
selected tab.
Apply To Bottom Page: Applies the selected tab as bottom of page for
the selected tab.
Note: The available tabs listed are a function of the test path activated. Empty
Tab displays a blank tab (Tabs that are not populated are left blank).
SmartMode, Test Setup, and Summary tabs cannot be duplicated,
deleted, or renamed.
SONET/SDH Application
Introducing and Using the Graphical User Interface
Tab Configuration



Tabla de contenido

Solución de problemas


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Tabla de contenido