Smart Mode
Creating and Starting a Test Case Using SmartMode
Creating and Starting a Test Case Using
Note: The default test preferences will be used for the test. For example, the laser
will be Off if not enabled from the Default Test Preferences on page 530.
To setup a test case using SmartMode:
1. Select the SONET/SDH signal corresponding to the signal connected to
the module.
2. Press either Not Scanned. Click here or on the "Smart Scan" button
to scan or Smart Scan. A Trib Scan is also required for LOP test
purposes otherwise, a HOP test case will be created even if the signal
contains LOP .
3. The structure of the signal is displayed when the scan succeeds. If the
scan succeeds, press Launch Test to start the test.
Note: The user must select the desired HOP and LOP timeslots before pressing
Launch Test otherwise, the first valid timeslot scanned will be used.
FTB-8100 Series Transport Blazer