These instructions are supplementary to the original vehicle operating manual issued
by Volkswagen/MAN and provide additional information concerning the Oberaigner all-
wheel-drive conversion, which needs to be taken into account when operating the vehicle
and when carrying out maintenance and repairs to the all-wheel-drive system. The points
listed here apply in addition to or as a restriction of the existing Volkswagen/MAN operat-
ing manual and structural guidelines, which retain their validity in the points not dealt with
here and which refer to the base vehicle, and to the instructions with reference to vehicle
safety. Store this supplement together with the operating manual in the vehicle.
1.1 Symbols & abbreviations
Material damage warnings that lead to damage to your vehicle.
Useful notes or other information that may prove helpful to you.
Warnings, making you aware of the risks in connection with the Oberaigner
all-wheel-drive system and when parking the vehicle.