2011/DEC/22 at 7:46 p.m. Doc number: M716803B001 [multi23]
Figure 14. Remove the Endurant Aortic Delivery System
Note: Graphic representation not to scale
9.7.9. Contralateral Limb Stent Graft Component Deployment
Prepare the Endurant Stent Graft System using the procedure described in Section 9.6.2.
On the patient's contralateral side, insert a guidewire through the contralateral leg and the aortic neck
portion of the previously placed bifurcated stent graft component.
Wet the graft cover of delivery system to activate the hydrophilic coating. Place the Endurant Iliac Delivery
System containing a contralateral limb over the guidewire and into the contralateral leg of the deployed
bifurcated stent graft component.
Insert the contralateral limb component into the contralateral stub leg of the bifurcated stent graft
component. The proximal radiopaque marker of the contralateral limb component should be aligned to the
radiopaque marker at the bifurcation of the bifurcated graft component. Ensure that there is a three stent
overlap as depicted in Figure 15.
Figure 15. Introduce the Endurant Iliac Delivery System
Note: Graphic representation not to scale
With one hand on the front grip, hold the Endurant Iliac Delivery System stationary. Then, slowly withdraw
the graft cover with the other hand by rotating the slider counter-clockwise. At any point, use your thumb
to pull the trigger on the slider and pull the slider back all the way to finish deploying stent graft component
as depicted in Figure 16. Remove Endurant Iliac Delivery System in the same method as referenced
in Section 9.7.8.
Note: In the unlikely event of delivery system failure and concurrent partial stent graft component
deployment due to graft cover severance, the "handle disassembly" technique may permit the successful
deployment of the stent graft component. Refer to Section 9.8.
Caution: Do not torque the Iliac delivery system while in the patient.
Figure 16. Deploy the Contralateral Limb Component
Note: Graphic representation not to scale
9.7.10. Aortic or Iliac Extension Components
In the event that an aortic extension component needs to be used, ensure that there is a minimum three
stent overlap between the aortic extension component and the bifurcated component. Follow the bifurcated
component deployment steps, except rotate the handle to open the extension component entirely before
releasing the proximal end of the suprarenal stent of the aortic component. In the event that an iliac
extension component needs to be used, ensure that there is a minimum three stent overlap between the
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